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Meet The Higgins Family - Djamel

Meet The Higgins Family – Djamel

The next member of the Higgins Family we would like to introduce to you is Djamel.

Many of you will know Djamel as he is a long standing member of our Duke Street team. Our early bird, he opens up the shop each day serving our customers their morning coffee.

When did your interest in coffee begin?

For as long as I can remember, coffee has played an important role in my life. It was customary to drink coffee together as a family in the morning and in the afternoon. Whenever I smell the coffee brewing it takes me back to those childhood days of togetherness and joy.

What does your role at H.R. Higgins involve?

I have been one of Higgins original team members for the past 15 years. Over this time, I have worked in different departments learning skills and knowledge that was required. I manage the retail sales department alongside training new beginners at H.R. Higgins.

What have you learned working at H.R. Higgins?

Throughout my years working with the Higgins family, I have learned that our role is about forming a lasting relationship with our valued customers. The motto is customer first, business after. I realise this is the effect that coffee has on people, it brings togetherness thanks to H.R. Higgins.


Has working for H.R. Higgins changed you in any way? 

I was a fairly young man when I joined the company, many years later I’ve had the pleasure of working with different generations and nationalities which has helped shape me into the man I am today.

Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Coffee for sure!

What is your favourite coffee to drink at home?

I like Galapagos San Cristobal and Colombia Pacamara Las Margaritas which are the best coffees I’ve ever tasted.

How do you brew at home?

Cafetiere mostly, but I sometimes use a moka pot.

What is your favourite tea?

China White Fujian Silver Needles is my number one. I also have a few other favourites which are China Lung Ching Dragons Well and Meghalaya Lakyrsiew which are well worth a try.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to progress further within the company and look forward to any future developments.

When did you last laugh and why? 

In these trying times, I try to laugh everyday as I feel blessed!


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