You will need...

25ml/ 1fl oz    Kahlua

25ml/1fl oz     Espresso (we recommend H.R. Higgins Daterra Bruzzi, 1942 blend or our Christmas Blend)

50ml/2fl oz     Vodka


Combine all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and fill generously with ice.  Shake vigorously and then pour into a chilled glass and decorate with a few coffee beans.

Espresso Martini
Espresso Martini
Espresso Martini


Spicy Ginger Affogato

Affogato is the perfect summer easy dessert but what about in winter? Try this Spicy Ginger Version, perfect for the festive season.


Espresso Chocolate Pots

I love entertaining I have 4 children lots of friends so I like my house to be busy full of people at any opportunity!  The key for me at a supper party is to be prepped I don’t want to be slaving over the stove whilst all my guests are having fun so slow cooked dinners, and having a pre-prepped dessert is super easy these chocolate pots have been in my recipe book for over 20 years from Jamie Oliver’s second cook book! 

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