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Rwandan Women's Cooperative Coffee - Mr Higgins Recommends

As I journeyed through East Africa in the early 1980s and 1990s visiting many coffee farms both large and small, I could not help remarking how much of the basic vital work was being done by women. Both old and young, the young women often with young children on their backs.

I wanted to make a record of my visits to these farms and small holdings. It was noticeable that as soon as I got out my camera, to record the activities going on, as if by magic men would appear, tearing themselves away from various meetings to get into the action.

My friend Natalia, part of the local scene herself, would laugh as she translated for me the comments of the ladies. It was just the same sort of comments that we would hear at home when some completely unexpected “help” from an unusual source materialises ‘This is a surprise, do they (the men) know what they are doing?’

This month I am recommending you a coffee produced by women, Rwandan Women's Cooperative Coffee.

Members of The Rwanda Women’s Co-Operative in the Rusiga district of Rwanda.  A collection of small farms owned and run by women who not only do the hard labouring work but also the administration and planning. The women of this cooperative have become expert coffee producers.

We roast their coffee light, to bring out the fruity flavour notes. I hope you enjoy the subtle sweetness and the syrupy like background flavour.

With my very best wishes, 

Tony Higgins

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