Continental Blend - Mr Higgins Recommends

The coffee I have selected this month is our Continental Blend. It appears in our very first published Coffee List when our shop opened in June 1946. I think I need to explain how this coffee got its name.

The name originates from the period between the first and second world wars when those who could spend their summers in Southern France, Italy or Spain, returned to our shores requesting a coffee that had the flavour they had come to enjoy during their travels on “The Continent”.

The blend was a much darker roast and made from coffees not generally available in the United Kingdom at the time. Altogether a much more powerful coffee experience.


H R Higgins created a blend for his customers that was very versatile and is still sought after to this day. It can be prepared by most coffee making methods and is for those who enjoy not just very strong coffee but one with a unique intensity, a coffee with a rich flavour that contains a bite and kick at the finish.  Great with most foods especially rich tasting main courses, red wine and rich puddings.  It is also a great coffee first thing in the morning if one wants a wakeup call to start the day.

It is very different from varieties you have tried so far. I do hope you enjoy sampling our Continental Blend.

Tony Higgins

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Ethiopia Guji Hambela - Mr Higgins Recommends

It seems fitting that for my first Mr Higgins recommends at the start of a New Year, we go back to where we think the story of commercial Coffee Drinking began. When it was a new phenomenon to experience for those first European explorers, travellers and adventurers visiting and discovering Ethiopia.

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India Malabar Monsooned - Mr Higgins Recommends

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