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Jamaica Blue Mountain - Mr Higgins Recommends
Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is quite possibly the most famous coffee in the world. Because of the very limited supply and increasing demand, it comes as no surprise that this coffee continues to rise in scarcity value.

The famous Blue Mountains of Jamaica are located between Kingston in the south of the island and Port Antonio in the North. They rise to a height of 2256 metres above sea level. Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee grows up to around 1800 metres.  The climate is ideal for coffee with the rich soil, frequent rainfall and misty conditions. Traditionally the growing area for Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is within the parishes of Portland, St Mary, St Andrew and St Thomas. Coffee grown outside these areas do not qualify for the certification Blue Mountain. So, the exportable percentage of Jamaica Blue Mountain compared to other Jamaica coffees is relatively small. There is an ever-growing demand for Jamaica Blue Mountain from coffee lovers throughout the world. At times Japan imports up to 80% of the Jamaica Blue Mountain production. 

Blue Mountain is a unique member of the Typica Arabica coffee species. It can be found growing in areas of the Caribbean, East Africa and Indonesia but for us at H R Higgins, it has always been Jamaica Blue Mountain that epitomises the unique attributes of this special variety. You can find out more about the Jamaica Blue Mountain story in this blog.

It has an aroma that reminds me of freshly baked rolls waiting to be enjoyed at breakfast. On taking the first sip I am immediately conscious of a subtle delicacy which enlarges into a surprising fullness in the mouth. It has a wonderful balance of flavour. Subtle very mild acidity with notes of caramel, apricot and a delicious creaminess.

It will prepare well in all coffee makers. I enjoy it most by the pour-over filter system. When prepared in Cafètieres (Plunger Pots), I recommend being generous with the amount of ground coffee, because of its delicate subtlety.

I hope that you will enjoy Jamaica Blue Mountain and that its flavour will dance on your palate, because in the end, and having said all there is to say about it, only you can decide its merits, it’s your taste that really matters.


Tony Higgins

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